President Bush thinks that as of right now Americans are shifting away from "near panic" but Bush warns Americans that they still have a long way to go to recover from the poor economy. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke believes that this is the perfect time for the second government stimulus package. Earlier this year executed a $168 billion stimulus package which would have tax rebates and tax breaks for businesses. However, customers have cut back in spending due to the economy's current condition. Bush has been telling Americans that they must be patient and that his plans to re-energize the economy. Bush also stated that he is in support of government intervention because he is concerned about the effect it will have on small businesses.
Chapter 3: The role of the government in a market economy
In this article President Bush has already implemented and is also planning several things in an attempt to revitalize the sagging economy. It is especially vital for the government to intervene when the economy is looking bad because it will have some serious repercussions if it is left alone. President Bush does not want to see his country go into another depression. He has already implemented tax rebates and tax breaks in an attempt to ease the suffering of American citizens.
I believe that Bush has the right intentions with trying to help the economy but we have to wait and see if there are effective or not. At the very least he is making a honest attempt to relieve the pain that people are feeling from the economy. I am a firm believer that the government has to help ordinary citizens when the economy is looking bad. If the government were to do nothing then we have another depression and this depression will be felt around the world, much the depression in the 1930's that plagued the entire world until the start of World War II.